Grated Zucchini Salad with Mackerel
A delicious salad that is quick to make and perfect for lunch or dinner especially when you don't have any lettuce greens but plenty of zucchini...

2 cups of grated or julienned zucchini
1 tomato, chopped
1 T of capers
1/4 of a red onion, chopped
handful of parsely, finely chopped
tin of mackeral (see pic below for recommended brand)
sprinkle of cumin powder to taste and/or chilli powder
lemon juice
olive oil (you might want to just use from the can of Mackerel)
salt and pepper to taste
Place all ingredients (except Mackerel) in a bowl and toss, then gently fold through the can of Mackerel. Season to taste. I really like this brand of canned Mackerel which you can purchase from The Organic Wholefood Store in Bowral Street.